Hangman 2018

[pane title=”HOW IT WORKS” start=open]

HANGMAN! This is a bounty game. Every week, players will try to defeat 12 of the top Thursday players (the Dirty Dozen). When one of the Dirty Dozen loses a game, that player will begin to appear on the Hangman stage. The player that wins the game gets 10 points. The player that loses gets a body part.

Cash prizes will be paid to the top two players with the most points in two groups: 1) 70 & above; and 2) 69 & under.  Payout also to the top two DD players with the fewest body parts at the end of session.  (DD-This session must play 14 of 21 weeks to qualify for prize.)

More Hangman details.         LEGEND

2017 Hangman Results
2016 Fall Hangman Results
2016 Hangman Results

2015 Fall Hangman Results

2015 Spring Hangman Results

2014 Hangman Results

The 12 players identified for this session were chosen based on a combination of factors, including handicap, known ability, etc.

Jeff Hughes *       Jerry Sotelo           Sam Kantar *
Ed Kiess                Scott Nodell *        Al Cashwell
John Sungail        Clive Rose              Ron Sills
Chris Argenta       Frank Woessner   Dean Allen

* extra five points for a win against this player


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[pane title=”Over 70” start=open]

Group 1  70 & over
Tony Vierra 165 Scott, Frank, Sam, Clive, John S, Ed, Al, Scott, John, Ed, Al, Jerry, Chris A, Clive, Jerry
Jeremy Brooks 135 Frank, Sam, Dean, Scott, Clive, Scott, Sam, Jerry, Scott, Jerry, Al
Ariel Landstoy 120 Scott, Sam, John, Jerry, Al, Dean, Al C, Chris A, Clive, John S, Ed K,
Roger Coleangelo 100 Scott, John, Scott, Sam, jerry, Chris, Dean Sam
Orlin Pappo Trochez 100 Ed, Dean, Scott, Ed, Jerry, Al, Scott , John, Jerry
Brandon Lee 95 Dean, Scott, Jerry, Chris, John, Jeff, Scott, Ed
Peter Ghostine 95 Al, Jeff, Ed, Chris, Clive, Jerry, John. Chris, John S
Rick Rodriguez 95 John, Jerry, Ron, John, Scott, Jeff ,Frank, Scott
Paul Cobb 75 Dean, Scott, Chris, Ed, John S, Ed Kiess, Chris Argenta
Rob Gallo 70 Scott, Jeff, AL, Dean, Jerry, Clive
Bryan Monjiovi 70 Sam, Jerry, Ron, Frank, Scott, Chris A
Paul Orndoff 65 Clive, Jeff, Dean, Ron, Clive, Ed
Al Phillips 65 Jerry, Clive, Scott, Clive, jerry,  Chris A
Jon Callahan 65 Jerry, Jeff, Ron, Clive Chris, John S
Carl Khan 60 Jeff, Clive, Chris, Jeff, Clive
Ken Lee 60 Scott, Dean, John S, Scott, John S,
Stan Rodowicz 50 Clive, Chris A, Frank, Al, Dean, Al
Matt Kaplan 45 Clive, Jeff, Chris A, Ed
Tim Koffer 45 Al, Jerry, Al, Scott
Josh Haro 45 Ed, Jerry Sam, Ed
Lou Delucca 40 Clive, frank, Ron, Clive
Paul Cerini 40 Ed, John, Frank, Sam
Dan Reller 30 Sam, Ed, John
Chris Crum 30 Ron, Chris A, Ron
Bill Serey 25 Sam, Frank
Rob Breslin 20 Chris A, Ed K,
Roy Bertolozzi 20 Clive, Chris
Nate Jackson 10 Al
Dave Crump 10 Chris
Chadi Kantar 10 Ed,
Group 2 under 70
Led Uittenbogaard 100 Jeff, Sam, Al, Clive, Ron, Sam, Scott, Dean
Royce Rydlun 95 Sam, Scott, Clive, Dean, Sam, Chris, Clive Dean, al
Bill Serey 90 Frank, Sam, Chris, Al, Scott, Clive, John, Dean
Barry Wise 75 Frank. Chris, Al, Scott, Clive, Chris, Al
Joe Senich 50 Sam, Jeff, Dean, Al
Mimi McAndrews 50  John S, Chris A, Ed, Clive, Chris A
Bob Pelletier 35 Clive, chris, Scott
David Gorman 35 Dean, Jerry, Sam
Nate Jackson 30 Al, Ed, John
Terry Roberts 30 John, Jerry, Ron
Wanda Smith 30 Sam, Scott
David Crump 30 Chris, Chris A, Dean
Andy Makarits 30 Al, Chris A, John S
Kathy Connor 25 Sam, Chris,
Jackie Hughes 20 Clive, Jerry
Dennis Howell 20 Clive, Dean
Kali Boodhoo 20 Jerry, John
Don Walker 15 Jeff,
Stan Rodowicz 10 Clive
Kevin Lance 10 John
Leon St John 10 Ron
Sam Kantar 120 Al, Jerry, Clive Al, Jerry, John, Ed, Chris A, Clive, John S, Ed K, Chris A
Ed Kiess 120  Al, Sam, Scott, Jeff, John, Scott, Al, C hris A, Dean, John S
John Sungail 115 Ron, Jerry, Clive, Ron, Dean, Clive, Ron, Jerry, Al, Frank, Scott,
Ron Sills 110 Chris, Clive, Al, Jerry, Sam, Dean, Jerry, Al, Sam, AL
Chris Argenta 105 Al, Sam, Ron, Jeff, John, Jerry, John S, Jeff, Frank
Clive Rose 100 Al, Ed, Ron, Scott. Jeff, John, Sam, Scott
Jerry 95 Ed, Frank, Clive, Scott, Dean, John, Clive, Ed, Ron
Jeff Hughes 95 Jerry, Scott, Sam, Ron, Jerry, Clive, Frank, Sam
Scott 80 Jerry, Ron, John, Chris, Ron,  Jeff, Ed, Chris A
Al Cashwell 30 Scott, Scott
Frank 20 Al, Clive
Dean 10 Al
