Category Archives: Player News

John Sungail wins Shark’em tournament again!

Category : Player News

Josh Haro finishes second.

Another wild night at the Shark’em tournament! Twenty-two players had the guts to show up and risk getting sharked. Those same players also did a fabulous job of sharking. Thanks to John Sungail for his “how to be a good sharker” presentation. Special kudos to Lynette Grilo, who wins the award for shark of the night!  Thanks to Ken Lee and Led Uittenbogaard for taking pictures.  And thanks to Mike Sr. and Palm Beach Billiards for adding $100. MOST IMPORTANTLY, thanks to all of the players for being a good sport!


John Sungail   $120
Josh Haro  $90
Greg Deaton   $60
Dean Allen  $30
Al Cashwell  $10
Isaac Williamson $10

2015 Shark 'em Tournament!
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